- agenda 21
- agricultura biológica / agrobiología
- agricultura campesina
- agricultura industrial
- agricultura integrada
- agricultura natural
- agricultura razonada
- agriculture biologique / agrobiologie
- agriculture industrielle
- agriculture intégrée
- agriculture naturelle
- agriculture paysanne
- agriculture raisonnée
- agrocarburants
- agroecologia
- agroécologie
- agroforesteria
- agroforesterie
- agronomía biológica
- agronomie biologique
- alterglobalization / altermondialism
- altermondialisation / altermondialisme
- altermundializacion
- audit de la dette
- auditoria ciudadana de la deuda
- B
- C
- D
- échange non monetaire
- ecological debt
- écologie industrielle & territoriale
- économie circulaire
- économie sociale
- economie sociale et solidaire (ess)
- économie solidaire
- efficacité (ou efficience) énergétique
- empowerment
- empowerment (empoderamiento)
- empreinte carbone
- empreinte ecologique
- entreprises récupérées (par leurs travailleurs)
- exigibilité des desc
- F
- G
- H
- I
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- V
- W
- O
The World Governance Index (WGI) is an indicator that allows the evaluation of world governance (taken in the sense of “collective management of the planet”), and which « has a twofold dimension:
analytical: it must provide as true a reflection as possible of the state of world governance and its evolution
and operational: it must enable players, whatever their level, to act or to react in the direction of a more efficient, more democratic world governance more in phase with the environment [1] ».
Made up of 5 sub-indicators [2], this index was conceived in order to offer to political decision makers, whatever their level (national, regional or international), to companies and NGO’s, a reliable and independent information, which allows them to:
evaluate the degree of state governance,
identify the strong and weak points of this governance,
follow the evolutions as time goes by [3].
[1] Defining the World Governance Index, FnWG (Forum for a new World Governance), WGI (World Governance Index), Version 2.0 (2011 Report: http://www.world-governance.org/IMG/pdf_WGI_short_version_EN_web-2.pdf
[2] of which we give the details below
[3] FnWG: http://www.world-governance.org