- agenda 21
- agricultura biológica / agrobiología
- agricultura campesina
- agricultura industrial
- agricultura integrada
- agricultura natural
- agricultura razonada
- agriculture biologique / agrobiologie
- agriculture industrielle
- agriculture intégrée
- agriculture naturelle
- agriculture paysanne
- agriculture raisonnée
- agrocarburants
- agroecologia
- agroécologie
- agroforesteria
- agroforesterie
- agronomía biológica
- agronomie biologique
- alterglobalization / altermondialism
- altermondialisation / altermondialisme
- altermundializacion
- audit de la dette
- auditoria ciudadana de la deuda
- B
- C
- D
- échange non monetaire
- ecological debt
- écologie industrielle & territoriale
- économie circulaire
- économie sociale
- economie sociale et solidaire (ess)
- économie solidaire
- efficacité (ou efficience) énergétique
- empowerment
- empowerment (empoderamiento)
- empreinte carbone
- empreinte ecologique
- entreprises récupérées (par leurs travailleurs)
- exigibilité des desc
- F
- G
- H
- I
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- V
- W
- O
« The Altermondialist movement consists of all struggles and resistances, social practices, debates and researches, intellectual and artistic creations that are in line with the perspective of alterglobalization. This perspective can be summed up by the refusal of inequalities and discriminations, the questioning of neoliberal globalization effects, the demand for democratic control on regional and international institutions - such as the European union, the WTO, the IMF or the World Bank - which are promotors of neoliberalism, the affirmation that "’another world is possible” and the commitment of its construction [1] ».
[1] Quote (french) : Gustave Massiah, Le mouvement altermondialisation et les forums sociaux, alternatives internationales, 14 janvier 2005 : http://www.alterinter.org/article11.html
Historique de la définition et de sa diffusion
Traditionally, the origin of the alterglobalization movement is associated to the November 1999 Seattle demonstration against the general assembly of WTO (World Trade Organization), even if other mobilizations of a similar size were taking place the previous years, like the campaign for the cancellation of Third World debt, against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), the birth of Via Campesina or the one of the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens’ Action (ATTAC) in France, or again, the insurrection of neozapatists (EZLN) in Chiapas (Mexico) on january 1st 1994.
Utilisations et citations
During the beginnings of the movement, this latter was regularly qualified as anti-globalization by dominant media (in English, this name still remains), prior to the movement succeed in imposing the term alter-globalization.